Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Bump and Run...

I witnessed a bump and run victory on Friday night. It's something I'm seeing more and more these days. It aggravates me a little more each time I see it.

Why you ask?

Because somewhere along the line, it became accepted as a viable way to pass somebody. What happened to finding a different line to pass somebody? What happened to being the better (sports)man? What happened to class?

I'll tell you what happened. NASCAR's incredible hype machine put it on blast by allowing it to happen on multiple occasions without any sort of repercussion. Way back when, if you pulled such a stunt, you were likely in for an ass-whooping back at the garage area. Nowadays, people who do such things are called hard chargers and go-getters.

The same mentality has made it to the short track level. It bothers me a great deal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe you never watched C.D. Coville race that guy had to bump his way to win.